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Clip Details

Name: Amnesia - The foot-freak's take (Full, chapters 1-4)
Studio: GSF Photo-Comics
Price: $ 30.00
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:50:57
Size (MB): 1 GB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1500 x 1500
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: James wakes up, dazed, to find himself shrunk down the tiny size in a vast bathroom. he can't remember how he got there. slowly, through a journey of extreme pleasure, seduction & sexual arousal, the horrifying truth unfolds.

"Amnesia" might be old, but it's an old relic. one of my best stories up-to-date, now available as a full bundle in video format and at a bargain price. extreme foot-fetish action & shrinking with a dark background theme.

51 minutes long.
609 images
Gradual shrinking
Size comparisons
footjob and sexual themes
unware Giantess
And much more
Status: Available